
No Swelling Blepharoplasty. Cosmetic Surgery vs Plastic Surgery Discussion Forums: Misconceptions of


Conventional blepharoplasty leads to considerable post-operative swelling, which may at times, takes several weeks to subside completely. Taking into consideration, the complaints of a number of patients regarding post-operative eyelid swelling, the author started practicing refined versions of blepharoplasty, in which eyelid skin to be removed completely was marked both in the upper and the lower lids, dissection was carried out very gently, muscle was removed with the skin flap in upper blepharoplasty, and strip of orbicularis oculi was gently removed from the lower lids, and only protruding fat was dessicated. Anesthesia used was only minor and ultrafine needles were used. Adequate chilled anesthesia, meticulous hemostasis and adequate post-operative compression were carried out. This led to eyelids looking normal after blepharoplasty, though with very fine stitches.

Por: Hassan A. Khawaja, MD