
Volumen 10 – N° 3

Khawaja-Zoraiz Theory of Immortality

Cell division plays a critical role in the normal growth, maintenance and repair of human tissue. Telomeres are...

Por: Hassan Abbas Khawaja, MD,
Fecha: diciembre 18, 2017
Chymotrypsin for Impotence & Sex Drive in Males & Females

Chymotrypsin and trypsin, the commonly used anti-inflammatory enzyme preparations, has been studied by us for 20 years, from...

Por: Hassan Abbas Khawaja, MD, , Enrique Hernandez-Perez, MD
Fecha: diciembre 18, 2017

The European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP) and The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP) guidelines recommend the...

Fecha: diciembre 18, 2017
Editorial: A Nuestros Amables Lectores

A Nuestros Amables Lectores: Éste es un muy atento recordatorio de que este Journal on-line está abierto para...

Por: Dr. Enrique Hernández-Pérez
Fecha: diciembre 18, 2017
Editorial: Cataclysmic Super-kinetic Internet Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic Surgery Surrealism has submerged into super kinetic Internet waves into the new millennium. Exhaustive cosmetic surgery procedures...

Por: Hassan A. Khawaja MD.
Fecha: diciembre 18, 2017
A new technique of breast reconstruction with autologous tissue

Treatment of breast cancer is sometimes long and requires a multidisciplinary approach. In 2010, the authors, in their...

Por: Hassan Abbas Khawaja, MD
Fecha: diciembre 18, 2017