The action of liposuction with vacuum and movement of the cannula back and forth results in fragments of...
The history of fat transfer dates back to 1893, when Neuber, removed small pieces of fat from the...
Ageing causes a reduction in facial volume and texture of the tissues that induces a fall of such...
El abordaje transvestibular sublabial superior para la colocación de poste intercrural: 1. Es efciente en los pacientes con...
Background: Muscles of the glabellar region can be overactive, giving patients a “scowling” look and making them appear...
In this study, 29 patients with porous high-density polyethylene (group A) and 29 patients with septal cartilage (group...
Ever since, I wrote my first textbook on Cosmetic Surgery, “Simplified Cosmetic Surgery- Art, Science & Practice” in...
“Temas Selectos en Cirugia Cosmetica”, is a concise textbook, covering selected essential themes in cosmetic surgery. Dr.Enrique Hernandez-Perez,...